[drats_users] Pictures

Nate Duehr
Sun Apr 26 09:00:20 PDT 2009

On Apr 26, 2009, at 9:25 AM, Arnold Harding wrote:

>> Okay, did you get a debug log?  A log from both ends would be good,
>> because it's possible that maybe the receiving end unpacked the
>> final
>> file and didn't like it and then failed to send back the final ack
>> of
>> some sort.  The debug log will tell us that.
>> Oh, maybe this is the picture you attached?  Cool :)
> Yes, the picture attached is what got through.
> Is there an easy way to get the Debug logs?  It seems like a lot of
> copy and paste is involved, but I'm probably doing it wrong.  I get to
> tie up two repeater frequencies for about 10 minutes again, so what
> the heck.

I do this... on Windows...

Click on Start then Run.

Type "%APPDATA%/D-RATS" into the Run box.  (Once you've done this  
once, unless you do a lot of Start->Run command-line stuff, it'll be  
in the drop-down box in the "history" the next time you go looking for  

That opens the folder that always contains the debug.log file.

Stop D-RATS.

Rename the file to something more useful... "debug.04262009.log" for  

Optionally restart D-RATS if you need it running to continue some  
testing or whatever you were doing.  (New "debug.log" file starts.)

Attach the whole "debug.04262009.log" file to an e-mail to Dan or the  
list.  How to do this depends on your mail program, but in mine, I  
just open a new e-mail and drag the file to the mail window and drop it.

Simpler to just grab the whole file than to cut and past snippets,  
especially since I'm not always sure what Dan needs to see in the log.

This is different on Linux or Mac... if you need those instructions  
(you didn't say which you were using), holler!

Nate Duehr, WY0X
nate at natetech.com

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