[drats_users] D-Rats Using The DV-Dongle
Ron Wenig
Tue Oct 6 07:50:15 PDT 2009
Usually the RF to RF chats are good. Every once in a while there is a
broken packet and that's understandable because of RF conditions.
Dongle to Dongle seems to be ok also. It's just Dongle to RF where
there is a problem and to the point that it's not usable. The Dongle
users usually can copy the D-Rats chats from the RF users ok.
Ron ny3j
Dan Smith wrote:
>> We are
>> having a lot of fun with D-Rats but it's kind of frustrating when a
>> message is being sent and you can't copy the text. Some people think
>> you are ignoring them because you don't reply back to what they say :-)
> Let me ask you this: can you confirm that the dongle users see broken
> chats from an RF user and other RF users see it clean?
> RF is, well, RF and thus is susceptible to interference and packet loss.
> The chat packets have always been "best effort" because you can't
> reliably multicast to an unknown number of people. If the same packet
> is seen broken by other RF users, then the problem is the path from the
> RF sender to the repeater. Not much you can do about that.
>> That's a good point about complex things working and simple things like
>> chat don't. As a test we had a person send email to my station that was
>> on RF and he was using a Dongle. The message was sent ok and my station
>> transferred the email back out to the internet. That's a great feature
>> and we are thinking of leaving one machine set up like that as a mail
>> server. Well, after he sent that email he sent a chat about it which
>> was broken and no one was able to hear about his success.
> See, that is very interesting because it means that things are working
> at least a little bit. The message transfer, unlike chat, will
> guarantee delivery of all the bits of the message by retrying any
> packets that fail to go through. However, it won't keep trying forever.
> Since it goes through, I'd say it's working pretty well, which makes me
> even more curious about whether the broken chat messages you're seeing
> are actually received broken...
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